Friday, December 5, 2008

Sweet Boo

Today, I got to have fun with Lydia(also known as Boo), what an angel.  Her eyes will melt anyones heart.  We set up a backdrop and hauled out some great prom dresses I found at a garage sale years ago and we had a great time.

I love dressing up little girls in floppy hats and big lacy dresses.  

Here a tip for photographing toddlers, let them be.  They will come in their own time and then you will get some amazing photos!  

Monday, December 1, 2008

Engagement Photos

I met with Shelton and Kristi yesterday to do their engagement photos at the Forks in Winnipeg. It was a beautiful day with a gentle snow coming down. We got a few looks but people tried to keep out of the sight of the camera (thanks to all). We had lots of fun too, what a great couple, I am looking forward to the wedding!

Generally shooting in public places are fine, but if there is security around it is best to ask them if it is alright to do some photos. There are places that you are not allowed to photograph in, especially if you have a hired photographer. Always best to ask and be polite.